We specialize in the development and implementation of procurement strategies for electricity, natural gas, solar energy, distributed generation, and all other evolving market solutions.
Solutions for all of your Energy needs
Utilize Energy Solutions for optimizing the procurement process, developing viable options and implementing maximum cost savings.
Leading supplier
We are the leader in procurement strategies and have been a trusted advisor on energy solutions for over 20 years.
All Things Energy
We offer expertise in all things energy, including electricity, natural gas, and solar power.
Field experts
We are uniquely positioned to advise and design procurement strategies for any organization with a procurement department because our team of specialists is diverse, experienced, and highly qualified.
Business and Home Energy Services
With access to federal, state, and local utility funding, we minimize out-of-pocket payments. In the last 36 months, our jobs have been valued at $ 25,000,000 and included more than 250 construction jobs.
Having completed diagnostics and received funding, the construction can usually be completed in fewer than three workdays, quickly allowing you to enjoy your newfound comfort and savings.
Successful installations Over 20 years
Install a 10KW or larger brand name top tier solar system (produces between of $2,300-$3,000** in electric costs per year) with a 25-year manufacturer warranty. Paid in full within 6 years without costing you an extra dollar. System life is estimated to be 30 years.